Welcome to Pharma Topics Forums The largest online community for industrial pharmacists. MenuForum NavigationForumMembersActivityLoginRegisterForum breadcrumbs - You are here:Pharma ForumAudit and Inspection: ANVISA AuditANVISA Audit PreparationPlease Login or Register to create posts and topics.ANVISA Audit Preparationsayeed@sayeed11 Posts#1 · September 26, 2024, 12:01 amQuote from sayeed on September 26, 2024, 12:01 amHow to prepare for ANVISA audit? Which areas should be prioritized? How to prepare for ANVISA audit? Which areas should be prioritized? Chief Pharmacist@pharmato33 Posts#2 · September 29, 2024, 5:15 amQuote from Chief Pharmacist on September 29, 2024, 5:15 am@sayeed As a part of ANVISA audit preparation following areas should be prioritized: HVAC systems and water treatment systems Quality systems Validation procedures SOPs Specifications and analytical methods Hygiene conditions Training of employees in production, quality control and quality assurance Separate production lines for the production of human and veterinary medicinal products @sayeed As a part of ANVISA audit preparation following areas should be prioritized: HVAC systems and water treatment systems Quality systems Validation procedures SOPs Specifications and analytical methods Hygiene conditions Training of employees in production, quality control and quality assurance Separate production lines for the production of human and veterinary medicinal products Post Reply: ANVISA Audit Preparation Cancel