Chief Pharmacist


Chief Pharmacist

Pharmacogenomics is an advance field of pharmacy practice, which help to develop personalized medicine for a patient. Pharmacogenomics combines the ...

Regulatory Authorities

Chief Pharmacist

Regulatory authorities enforce legal frameworks for new drug products or medical devices approval in market. For example, US FDA oversees ...


Chief Pharmacist

Half-life refers to the time it takes for half of a substance to decay. In pharmaceuticals, the half-life of a ...


Chief Pharmacist

Impurities refer to unwanted substances or contaminants present in API or drug product. It can arise during manufacturing, handling, or ...

Innovator Drug

Chief Pharmacist

Innovator drug is a first time developed drug product through extensive research and clinical trials to demonstrate safety and efficacy. ...


Chief Pharmacist

A misbranded drug is a pharmaceutical product that has misleading information or false labeling or illegal advertising and violating regulatory ...

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug

Chief Pharmacist

OTC drugs are medications that can be purchased without a prescription for the treatment of minor ailments and conditions. As ...

Biodistribution (BD)

Chief Pharmacist

BD is the in vivo distribution, persistence, and clearance of a gene therapy (GT) product at the site of administration ...


Chief Pharmacist

The level and type (e.g. objectionable or not) of micro-organisms that can be present in raw materials, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient ...

Biological Activity, Drugs and Matrix

Chief Pharmacist

Biological Activity The specific ability or capacity of the product to achieve a defined biological effect. Potency is the quantitative ...

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